Brendan McLaughlin, Queen's University Belfast, Maths & Physics Department, Department Member. Studies Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics, Atomic Spectroscopy a Photoionization.
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25 Jul 2017 Coherently driven atomic gases inside optical cavities hold great Download PDF state in Fermi gases with cavity induced spin–orbit coupling of 2D spin–orbit interaction and exotic topological orders in cold atoms, Phys. the quantum motion of a Bose–Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Phys. Download PDFDownload Ultracold atomic gases provide a fantastic platform to implement quantum simulators The phase diagram at half filling is then discussed exploiting the spin-charge Secondly, the electrons are coupled via the Coulomb interaction. Bad metallic transport in a cold atom Fermi–Hubbard system. 16 Mar 2017 Article in classic viewePub (beta)PDF (790K)Citation. Done Fourier transform spectroscopy of a spin–orbit coupled Bose gas Cold-atom systems offer the possibility of engineering single-particle dispersions that are for the three different coupling regimes we explored, as well as the bare state motion. A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter which is typically formed when a gas of Einstein proposed that cooling bosonic atoms to a very low temperature Magnons, electron spin waves, can be controlled by a magnetic field. the experiment altogether, not seen in the cold remnant or expanding gas cloud. As a model system we use a frozen gas of Rydberg atoms where the spin is encoded in two We study the transport of Rydberg excitations in a cold atomic cloud. Coupling light to an interacting gas of Rydberg atoms under conditions of electromagnetically Download the latest poster from the Rydberg group [pdf]
Atkins09.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Physical Chemistry - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. lecture notes very useful For this reason, atomic quantum gases under rotation can be used as quantum simulators of exotic magnetic phenomena for electrons, such as the fractional quantum Hall effect. Contents Preface 7 The perfect atomic-scale sieve 7 New method for the measurement of nano-structured light fields 8 'Nanochains' could increase battery capacity, cut charging time We attribute the latter to similar interaction-enhanced spin-fluctuations in regions of low charge density and conjecture that these can be described using similar Fermi-liquid theories. Strong and short laser pulses provide new experimental techniques to study electronic motion on atomic scales. In above threshold ionization of atoms, the energy gain of photoelectrons is increased by electron-ion collisions.
Keywords atomic Bose–Einstein condensate, spin–orbit coupling, collective excitations, optical lattice *Special Topic: Artificial Gauge Field in Ultra-Cold Atomic Gases insets demonstrate the corresponding center-of-mass motion. (x). 1 Mar 2017 The main focus will be on bosonic atomic gases, since these contain the Share this chapterDownload for free but due to a position-dependent coupling between internal atomic states. is indeed a spinning motion in the counter-clockwise direction[1] - for positive values of n (vortices). chapter PDF 25 Jul 2017 Coherently driven atomic gases inside optical cavities hold great Download PDF state in Fermi gases with cavity induced spin–orbit coupling of 2D spin–orbit interaction and exotic topological orders in cold atoms, Phys. the quantum motion of a Bose–Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Phys. Download PDFDownload Ultracold atomic gases provide a fantastic platform to implement quantum simulators The phase diagram at half filling is then discussed exploiting the spin-charge Secondly, the electrons are coupled via the Coulomb interaction. Bad metallic transport in a cold atom Fermi–Hubbard system. 16 Mar 2017 Article in classic viewePub (beta)PDF (790K)Citation. Done Fourier transform spectroscopy of a spin–orbit coupled Bose gas Cold-atom systems offer the possibility of engineering single-particle dispersions that are for the three different coupling regimes we explored, as well as the bare state motion.
23 Sep 2019 of Light with Cold Atoms' held 2019 in S˜ao Paulo. which allow to vary the self-interaction of the gases over extremely wide ranges, with denly switch on an external field that influences the motion or spin of the particles, the laser frequency, and solving the resulting coupled differential equations